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Lino & Wood carvings

Draw, engrave, draw, show

Les yeux ouverts, 60 cm x 42 cm
La salle des ventes, 2020, 21cm x 30cm
Juliette au chapeau, 2020, 21cm x 30cm
Le nez au vent
Edouard jambes croisées, 2020, 13cm x 18cm
Les yeux noirs, 2020, 13cmx18cm
Juliette éblouie, 2020, 15cm x 21cm
Joséphine en contre jour, 2020, 14cm x 21cm
Joséphine au masque, 2020, 14cm x 21cm
Juliette au chapeau, 2020, 21cm x 30cm
Bérangère éblouie, 2020, 14cm x 21cm
L’ ge d Or du Layet, 100 cm x 100 cm
Derniers dayons
Sur la pointe du Layet, 24cm x 30cm
Caracoller a Carolles
Vegetal Octopus, 42cm x 30cm
Le drapeau 30cm x 24cm
L appel du large, 60cm X 42cm
Kids revolution, 24cm x 30 cm
Faire tapisserie

I love the economy of means that forces creativity

“At Bertrand, the eye is also invited to travel a road that will get lost in the distance, to stretch with these female bodies that rise, their arms merged with the foliage, as if they wanted to compete with the surrounding trees. The artist is anchored in the soil that is common to us, but he knows how to make us feel the breath of the wind, the torpor of a summer evening and the freshness of a chapel. At home, we have the feeling of a moment captured, as if in suspense”.
Hélène Bonafous-Murat, expert in prints and writers, 2022

Aboard the Mistral Helicopter Carrier
